Monday, May 18, 2009

Monday Monday

Today is the last Monday of the school year here in Shoals. I am not sure who is more excited, the students or the teachers. We had a busy weekend with Saturday being our annual Gas Buy Down here in town. For two hours our church paid .50 cent for each gallon sold. So for two hours gas was $1.79 instead of $2.29.

I am very proud of the way our church wants to serve this community. Yesterday we had 114 in services. I spoke on the urban legend "Living together will prepare us for marriage." It seemed to go over quite well.

Hope you all have a good week.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Vision, indifference, or Complacency

That is the question that I find myself asking lately. As change is made you always expect to feel some push back, I have friends that can testify to that. However, what if no push back happens at all. Is it because that a group of people have a grand vision? Is it because they are indifferent or am I not paying enough attention.

Am I complacent and somewhat bored? Do I need a new challenge? What form will that Challenge take? Can one become too comfortable? Does no problems mean good things are no one is paying attention.

I am just wondering. Maybe this is normal, maybe it is not. Maybe it is the Lord, maybe it is not.

Anyone have any ideas?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Monday

I hope everyone had a great Mother's day yesterday. We began a new series here at Shoals called Suburban Legends. It is a series that I noticed that Southeast did last year. I am adding to and taking a way some of the titles but I preached from Proverbs 31 yesterday about appreciating our moms.

We had a great day at Church. We had 134 in attendance and the service was really good.

I was also honored to attend graduation at Louisville Bible College Saturday and was pleased to learn I had been moved from instructor to Assitant Professor, pretty cool.

Have a great week.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009


I hate waiting. It drives me crazy to have to wait on anything or anyone. I know it is about being patient.

That does not work well for being a Christian. For being a Christian is a discipline in waiting. Waiting for the Lord to return. Christianity is about the All ready and the Not yet.

Already we have won a victory but not yet. Already we share in a meal, but not yet.

It is the not yet I get tired of waiting on. I want it all now but I have to wait on God's Timing and God's timing is always perfect.

As I say this here I am waiting again. Waiting on something I have no control over and I am growing more impatient on waiting on a person than I should be waiting on the Lord.

Why? R u like this?