Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break

This week is our spring break. Both of my boys are enjoying the time off. Tomorrow we are going to the Indianapolis Children's Museum to see the new Star Wars the Clone Wars Exhibit.

Robert is a Star Wars nut and he is very excited. Then we pick up my mom at the airport and she is going to spend a few days with us.

I am preaching on the Lord's Supper this week. I am enjoying the study and it is opening up some wonderful truths.

Thanks for Checking

I was told I had not blogged in a while so Here I Go: BLOG. How is that Darrel.

Monday, March 09, 2009

National Preaching Summit

Today several of my friends and myself are heading off to the National Preaching Summit. This is one of the great blessings of my year. Outside of time with my family it is the best thing I do most of the year.

I always come away refreshed and motivated for another year of ministry. Plus we have a great time.