Monday, July 28, 2008

Hillsboro Family Camp

Well here I am at this years HFC. It is an uplifting time of preaching and singing. I enjoy seeing many friends I don't normally get to see very often and my mom and dad always come up for it.

Dad is preaching this year and I get to hear my favorite preacher of all time Jeff Faull.

Kerry Allen is the director of Person to Person Ministries (.

They do alot for the kingdom and Kerry Does a Great Job

Monday, July 21, 2008

Another Week

Well It is Monday and a new week is upon us. The weekend was a good one. We are getting ready to reveamp our Sunday School and hopefully attract more people to it and we are going to add video projection to our sanctuary to aid our Sunday Morning Worship.

This week will be another week of sermon prep (I Timothy 3) and getting ready for my classes at LBC and DCC. Hope all is going well with you. Next week is the Hillsboro Family Camp. Hope to see some of you there.

Monday, July 14, 2008

It's Monday

A new week begins today. Yesterday we had 143 in church. It was our VBS closing program and it was great. Last night was our board meeting. We talked about hiring a new part time staff person. We are still looking into that possibility but we are going to put a screen and projector in the auditorium. I am very excited about his and what we as a church can do with it.

Our leadership is very supportive here at the church and last night was just more proof of that. Hope you all have a good week. Working on my sermon from 1 Timothy 2.

Friday, July 11, 2008

VBS Closing Program

Tonight we had our VBS Closing Program. It was Great. Everyone did a great job and we had a great time. Our Church really does programs well. Events like this keep us unified.

New Carpet and Tina is HOME

Today we are finally getting our new carpet in upstairs. The guys are doing a great job and are moving pretty fast. Tina got home from her training last night. It was great to see her. Didn't get to see much of her because we were getting ready for the carpet guys to get here.

I hope to be able to blog more soon. It has been crazy with my LBC Faculty meeting and VBS. Have a great week.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Catfish Time

Well this week starts the annual Shoals Catfish Festival. We close off Main Street Wednesday Night and Thursday the festival begins. This will be our 7th festival and it is great every year.