Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It is nice to feel needed and loved. This past Sunday the church honored me and my family for our service to the church. People gave us cards and gift cards.

This church is great. The people here love us and we love them. I look forward to many more years here.

Tina couldn't be there. I came home from the Camp Meeting and Tina was sick and now Jonathan and Robert have it today.

Hope you all have a great week!

PS Camp MTG was great. I really enjoyed seeing my parents and many good friends.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Georgia Camp Meeting

I leave tomorrow for the Georgia Camp Meeting. I am speaking this year and I am very excited about it. I get to see my parents and get to hear one of my favorite preachers Johnny Pressley.

Hope to give you a report from the Camp.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Monday, Monday

It is Monday here in Southern IN. HAHA. We had a good weekend here. We had great Sunday Morning with my son Robert helping lead singing. We had to get him a shirt and tie he insisted.

Our son Jonathan and the rest of the youth opened our services with two specials and then one of our young ladies came forward and was immersed for the remission of her sins.

Last night we had annual Hay ride at the home of one of our Elders Keith Albright. He and his wife Mary are always willing to host the church for anything and we appreciate their generosity.

Last night was my second Sunday night at the Christian Church of Jasper taking them through the book of Revelation. I am really enjoying the opportunity to teach this wonderful book in other places.

This Thursday and Friday is our Annual Fall break at school. Friday we are heading to the Newport Aquarium for the day.

Have a great week

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hi all

Hope you have a great weekend. We are looking forward to this Sunday. Our son Robert is helping lead singing. He is 6 years old.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Jesus Made in America

I am in the process of reading the book Jesus Made in America. It looks at how we as Christians has shaped Jesus to fit our own personal mold. We all do that. We have all declawed the Lion of Judah. We have all made Jesus like Mr Rogers and turned him into our XL buddy. It is a good read and I am really getting alot out of it.
I found out about the book on Dr Robert Lowery's Website and was intrigued by this post.

"As I reflected on the title and as we celebrate our independence, I must remind myself that Jesus is not a Savior dressed in red, white and blue.
He is a Savior who brought freedom, a freedom purchased at a terrible price–the shedding of innocent blood.
He is a Savior who established a Kingdom that knows no bounds–a kingdom that draws from every tribe, language, nation, and people.
He is a Savior who welcomes people from all cultures.
He is a Savior who expects his people to be both cross-cultural and counter-cultural.
He is a Savior who demands that we pledge allegiance to the Lamb.
He is a Savior whose commands supersede all others.
He is a Savior who cannot be kidnapped by any political power or party.
He is a Savior who reigns not from any country–the United States of America or Israel, for examples–but a Savior who reigns from heaven above.
He is a Savior who is dressed in white and he invites his followers to be dressed the same. "

I agree with that.