Friday, June 13, 2008


I have been really worrying about my priorities lately. I don't know why but is my priorities what they should be. I love the Sermon on the Mount and I know that Jesus has alot to say on this info:

Everyone has treasures. Treasures are things we try to keep because of the value we place on them. We go to great lengths to hold on to them and protect them because we value them. In Matthew 6:19-24 Jesus forces us to do some uncomfortable wrestling with the issue of financial treasures. To Jesus this is not a matter of money but of the heart. It is not a matter of physical possessions but of spiritual priorities. It is not a matter of this life but of eternal life.This is what Jesus is concerned with in the text. Jesus is not speaking against possessions but about our preoccupation with them. He gives us sound reasons why we should make it our priority to store up spiritual treasure in heaven rather than material treasure on earth. Jesus gives us for reasons worth our most serious consideration:

Material things do not last

Jesus gives us another reason for treasuring up our treasure in Heaven:

Focusing on Money will Bind us to Earth

Concentrating on “things” clouds our vision

Put your treasure in Heaven because:

It decides who our Master is

What do we treasure? What has our heart? What are our priorities? Treasures on earth and be eaten and destroyed? Or treasures in heaven? Jesus said where our treasure is determines where our heart is? Where’s our vision? Do we look at people and opportunities through God’s lenses? Is it clear that reaching people who matter to God is the greatest thrill in life? Who is our Master? It is impossible to have two. We will hate the one and love the other; or be devoted to one and despise the other. Ultimately, the only way we know what we treasure is when we are willing to honor the Donor above the gift and give away chunks of it freely in order to advance His causes. This is the best way to see who our Master really is.

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