Monday, December 18, 2006

Barbarian Way

I am Currently the reading Eriwn McManus book "The Barbarian Way." It is very challenging but he is making some very good points.

As I finish Reading I will discuss later. However he does make a statement worth repeating:

"...Jesus understood His purpose was not to save us from pain and suffering, but from meaninglessness."

In a world where TV preachers like Joel, Benny, and Paul tell us that Jesus wants to make us rich and happy I tend to agree more with Erwin. I am very disturbed by the number of books and tapes Ms. Olsteen continues to sell and market. If Joel is right "come Lord Jesus."

A Great Day

Yesterday we had our Annual Christmas Program. The young people performed "A Mouse's Tail." It told the story of Jesus' birth from the animals point of view. All of the did a great job and our congregation Really responded to it.

Last Night we went Caroling and had a good turn out and even had a special visitor for all the kids to talk to.

This is a very exciting week for us as we approach our annual Christmas Eve Service. I hope your Christmas will be safe and wonderful.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Is Barna Right?

I am currently Reading the book "Revolution" written by George Barna.

I disagree with some of what he says, i.e. the Local Church is a necessary part of being a Christian.

However, some of what he says is true. The saddest part is that most of those involved in a local congregation is not anymore spiritual now than when they became Christians. That is quite troubling to say the least.

Monday, December 04, 2006

It Was A Great Weekend

Tina and I were able to spend the whole weekend together in Cincinnati. We haven't seen much of each other lately and it was nice to be able to send the kids to the Grandparents and just be together.
Weekends like this make me a better husband and father and I am looking forward to the next one.

Yesterday at Church started our series called "Christmas Classics." Yes you have heard of it before. Mike Luke got it started yesterday with "Home Alone." I heard he did great.

Thanks Mike

Friday, December 01, 2006

Big Weekend

It is that time of year again. Tina and I will be heading of to Cincinatti Ohio for the weekend. This is for our anniversary and will be when we pick up our Christmas Presents (annual visit to Santa Clause).

Back on Monday

Monday, November 27, 2006

What is it like to preach?

I found this Quote and thought it was a dated but good description for the life of a Preacher.

“This is the claim I make for a good theology of preaching—that it introduces order into the chaos of a mans ministry. He is lost in the thicket and tangle of crisscrossing paths and dense undergrowth. A dozen major responsibilities tug at his sleeve, this way and that. Administrator, educator, counselor, prophet, pastor, social worker, maybe custodian, secretary, mimeographer, plumber, carpenter, and husband and parent—on the side he is expected to be many things, indeed even wants to be. But there are definite limits to his time and energy and physical composure. He would like to be all things to all men, but there are times when he feels the need of saying, ‘this one thing I do.’ And the one thing claiming precedence over all the others, demanding to stand at the center, because it has been the distinctive, necessary task of the ministry in every age, is the matter of proclamation. Nothing else will substitute for it. Its priority is absolute. It alone is capable of bringing to heel the multitudinous and variegated duties which yip and yap at the minister’s coattail like mutts of hell wherever he goes.”

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Here Come The Holidays

I know the word I use is quite provocative. It is not cool to use Holidays in our midst. In the last year we have been told about the War on Christmas. John Gibson and O'Reilly have told us about the Culture vacuum and that Christians are being fought on all sides. I do agree that there is a a culture war and we must do our part I am not sure about the war on Christmas. My guess is the Christmas being spoken of is not what Christ came into the world for. Greed and Materialism is not Christmas. Christ is Christmas. God in the Flesh coming to earth born of a virgin who was killed and bodily rose again is what Christmas is about. So I am not sure we should really care what a clerk at Target or Walmart tells us when we check out. Because I bet the Christmas their is not a Christmas worth fighting for.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sully's Place

Sully's Place Happy Mothers Day

This Step is over the new is beginning

Saturday I Graduated from Lincoln Christian Seminary. It took almost six years. In between I have had another son and changed ministries. None of this would have been Possible without a supportive family and Church. Thanks to all who made it possible.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Resurrection Sunday

We here in Shoals are gearing up for another Easter. I hope and pray that all of you will have a blessed Easter.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Preaching Summitt

If you preachers have never been to the National Preaching Summit then take the time to do that. It is in Indianapolis on March 27-28.

Look for info at